Presentaton The days of the doctoral school days are organized by doctoral students for doctoral students. This is an opportunity to present your results for two days and meet other PhD students in relaxed setting.
In addition to highlighting your work ; PhD students are allowed to meet with associations, recruiters and former PhD students in order to know all the opportunities offered to students during and after their thesis for the professional insertion. So you can begin to create your professional networks and enjoy a concert and sharing a meal ! Registration To register in the doctoral school days of 2016, you must do a few steps: You must first create your sciencesconf identifiers that will allow you to access your interface. This interface gives you access to registration at the two-day conference.. This is also where you can choose to file a summary (oral, poster, blitz). A selection of abstracts will take place, so you will receive an email if your abstract has been accepted.
For registration, please use a student email address for example Unistra inserm etc , Deadlines - Abstracts : Monday 15, february 2016
- Registration : Monday 7 march 2016
Doctoral School Days 2016: program Day1 Monday March, 14th 13h00 Registration 13h30 Presentation of the doctoral school: Serge Potier, Head of the doctoral school 14h20 Oral & Blitz Session 1
14h20 Michael Mulot : Identification of membrane proteins from the aphid Myzuspersicae's gut
16h00 Oral & Blitz Session 2 16h00 Oral Session 2 16H15 Romuald Loutre : A mitochondrially targeted CRISPR/Cas9 system 17h00 Speed Dating & presentation of associations 18h00 Social Event: Discussion with associations followed by dinner: pizza / beer and a concert Day 2 Tuesday March, 15th 8h45-8h50 Dr. Christophe Romier President of the Strasbourg Biology Society
Welcoming participants 8h50-8h55 Pr. Alain Beretz or representative of the University of Strasbourg President of the University of Strasbourg 8h55-9h00 Mr. Philippe Richert or ACAL Region Representative of President of the Regional Council of Alsace-Lorraine-Champagne-Ardenne 9h00-9h05 Mr Robert Hermann Representative or Strasbourg Eurométropole President Strasbourg Eurométropole 9h05-9h10 Mr. Régis Bello or representative of the Foundation of the University of Strasbourg President of the University of Strasbourg Foundation 9h10-9h15 Pr. Serge Potier Director of the Doctoral School of Life Sciences and Health 9h15-10h05 Plenary: Dr Marat Yuspov Research Director at the CNRS Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology Co-founder RiboStruct 10h05-10h30 Break 10h30-12h30 Audition candidates 12h30-13h00 Deliberation jury 13h00 Presentation of Thesis Award of the Strasbourg Biology Society at a buffet déjeunatoire 14h00 Inspiring talk: Pr. Jean-Christophe Cassel 15h00 Life after PhD: meeting with recruitment consultants and former PhD students 17h00 Coffee break & Poster Session 2 18h00 Election of the best Oral, Blitz and Poster Prize Distribution |